Posts Tagged With: dream

Dear Mother


I write this post on February 9th, 2014 with a prediction.  Mom you don’t know this but you have always taught me to be confident in myself.  You have always made me smile when I don’t feel like it when I am down you know how to pick me up.  You got me through a rough childhood but I am thankful for every moment because it made me tougher. 

In February 2020, I am going to make you so proud.  You are going to be like I can’t Eric is ______________.  I know what goes in this blank but I don’t talk.  You taught me to let my actions do the talking.  I will tell you what I want to accomplish will be very difficult.  It’s going to take more sacrifices but the look on your face will be priceless.

Mom, I represent our family in every decision I make AND when a man realizes that and has a purpose, he can push his way through everything.  I can’t wait to take you to a store and buy you whatever you want.  Nothing I could ever give to you would equal what you have given to me in my life. 

Love you


Eric W. Black
Mirror Motivation Media
CEO & Founder

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Watch “It’s Your Dream!!!” on YouTube

I had to share this video because it reminded me of something.  We don’t need anyone to believe in our dreams as much as we do.  That’s why it’s our dreams, not someone else’s. 

This video should light a fire under you of what you are doing, why you are doing it and where you are trying to get to…

Eric W. Black
Mirror Motivation Media
CEO & Founder

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Chase your Dream: I AM BATMAN

Wake up!  Smell the coffee!  This is the real world!  You’re too old!  You have kids to worry about!   These are things that most pessimistic people will tell you because they can’t accomplish their dreams.  Misery loves company.  

Guess what, you can listen to them and be miserable, just like they are.  Is that what you want?  To be miserable for the rest of your life?  Not me.  You have one life to live, so enjoy it before you die. 

I dare you to chase that dream.  You have the right to dream.  I don’t care how old you are.  I don’t care what you want to be, it’s obtainable.  You got to find that passion and it may be what you are MEANT to do, to make you happy.

Now, I want to be Batman but that is going to cost $300 million and may not be realistic.  Here’s a realistic dream:  Being looked up to by kids.  Being a hero for my daughters, help clean up the streets from bad guys. 

Why most people don’t dream is they use excuses, and I’m telling you to stop!  Pick yourself up, dust off that dream and go to work.  Become an expert, push yourself to the top.  Use that will, work ethic and passion as your fuel to light a fire inside you! 

Guess what, it’s going to be tough but a little pain won’t kill you, it will make you strong.  I promise you will thank me for it in five years, and then you can write a letter.  I believe in you, as long as you believe in yourself!  TAKE ACTION NOW! 


Eric W. Black
Mirror Motivation Media
CEO & President

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You deserve to be what you want!

Here’s the deal:  I’m not here to waste your time so I will tell you something that you need to know right now.  You deserve to be whatever you want to be.  Here’s why…At the end of the day, you own it.  We own our lives and we OWN our results.

I don’t believe that some are lucky and so aren’t.  I won’t lie, I used to believe it that theory.  Then my unlucky behind on the Steve Harvey Show.  Then I started a business and landed the ultimate dream job to help make my last JOB, a school session.

I got paired with the perfect boss that holds he to an ultra high standard and won’t let me drop the ball.  That isn’t luck, I changed my attitude and work my tail off.  I do the things winners do because I now believe that I am a winner. 

So go get together what you want in life and I’m telling you it’s possible.  Stop making excuses and start working.  Start showing up to work, start getting noticed, start making everyone that doesn’t like you, HATE you because no ones jealous of a loser. 

I’ll leave you with a quote:

Excuses are useless but RESULTS are priceless! 


Eric W. Black
Mirror Motivation Media
CEO & Founder

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Watch “How To Be Successful (Tyler Perry) – Build your Success” on YouTube

I am a big fan of Tyler Perry.  He makes very good movies, has successful shows on TV but as he will tell you, he focused on only one show before his rise to the top.  That’s how he got to where he is  by foxusing, believing in his dream and being persist. 

Hope it helps you! 

Eric W. Black
Mirror Motivation Media
CEO & Founder

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Your Passion is?

All successful people have a passion and have learned to make decisions based on what really matters to them.  Even when others tell them they’re crazy or declare that a goal is impossible, they follow their passions. 

I think we all know what my passion is so we won’t make this about me.  What was your dream as a child?  We all know I wanted to be Batman because I want to help people and make the world a better place.  What about you?

Okay after you figure that put my next question is this, most people come to you for what?  Mine is when they are down and need lifting up, inspiration.  Some of you it may be a laugh, to hear you sing, etc.  Think about this…….

Finally, I’ll close with this, if you hosted a television show in which you taught a skill, it what would it be?   Weird question to be asked huh?  Here’s the thing though, this is how you figure out your TRUE passion or CALLING! 

Once you discover what your passion is, come back on Tuesday because I am going to share a secret I learned from a very successful mentor of mine that I email once a week.  This mentor has helped me push past obstacles!

Let’s recap:  Recall what your childhood dream was, think of why family and friends come to you most and if you hosted a TV show what skill would you teach.  Come back with the answers Tuesday and we will put it all together! 

Know what you want, then get it baby!! 


Eric W. Black
Mirror Motivation Media
Founder & CEO

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Somewhere in America

A lot of people have huge aspirations for success. Only a few people though I have learned the principles of success from some of the best people in the world. As I have picked the brain of some of these so-called gurus here is some of the principles that I have learned.

Like attracts Like: You are a magnet. If you are negative, more people are negative. If you are positive, more people are positive. If you are kind, more people will be kind, etc. This is very important to understand because it’s hard to be a nice, kind, person and have people treat you that way. In order to be happy, you have to put that “happy” energy out there to the world, and you will get it back.

Dream: If you can see in your mind, you can hold it in your hand. The greater the belief the greater the chances of that happening. You create your own luck in this world. The people on top thought about them being on top way before they got there. It wasn’t an accident, it was meant to happen. They had a dream board, saw it everyday and made it happen! Put that car you want or house, on the fridge, and then get it!

Ask, Believe, Receive: To get anywhere in life, most people have this concept of that you have to go get this training before you can get anything. You have to ask for it (I want to be a co-host on Steve Harvey Show), you have to believe you it can happen(I will be a co-host on the Steve Harvey Show), then you have to receive it (I am working on making that happen, watch)! It’s that simple, the more you ask and believe the universe will conspire on your behalf. Faith says believe, and I will show you.

Gratitude is a powerful process: The only way you move to the next level,is you have to show gratitude for where you are. All these super successful people always are thankful for where they are in their lives, have you ever noticed? They all do it, all the time. That is part of the whole process because as you become more thankful, more things come in your life.

Laughter attracts joy: When you are laughing, you are attracting joy. When you have fun, and laugh, you tend to stress less. Joy and depression can’t reside in the space! So anytime you get down, find a way to laugh. Sometimes, you just have to bust out in to laughter for no reason. It’s hard to stay mad when someone is laughing.

Time Management: We all have the same 86,400 seconds in a day. Most successful people have schedules that they stick to and there is a reason for this. This is crucial for their success because they realize that time is precious. So if you want to be a successful go by a daily planner because this will be crucial for your success and make sure you are maximize your 24 hours a day!

This is all I got so far! There will be more down the road but these are some of the most important and vital ones in my opinion. I hope these help you like they have helped me. Four months ago, I was just a call center supervisor but learning these principles have taken me WAY BEYOND THIS!

Eric W. Black
Mirror Motivation Media
Founder & CEO

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2010-Chevrolet-Camaro-Black-ConceptThis car is what I want but there comes a point in the whole dream process that you have to stop dreaming and start taking action! Where most go wrong is they want to be a better person but they don’t believe it will actually happen subconsciously. They really don’t believe because when a person really believes that they are “living this life already” it begins to firm slowly but surely.

My life has taken drastic turns. Most recently I was offered the position as Human Resource Recruiter at my place of employment. Most people asked me “Eric, I know you got to be making more money”. All I thought about is, everything that has been going on in my life positively has nothing to do with money. I chase the dream, not money!

The crazy thing is I have been preparing myself for this job for the past 4 months, it’s networking, being the face of our my employer’s business with people in the community. Remember, I started doing charity work which is how all these things started to manifest. It all started with me not chasing money but chasing my passion, which is helping inspire people to reach their true potential.

Bottom line, I have acted like I own a successful business, I have acted like a Human Resource Recruiter, I have acted like I have cracked jokes with Steve Harvey and helped warm up the show. I started acting like someone that is successful and only goes out to network or celebrate success. It started with affirming what I want, then taking action to go out and get it because nothing will ever be given to you.

The car above (Chevy Camaro Eric Black Edition) symbolizes to me that I can be a superhero (read “I AM BATMAN)in the community by helping others around me. I will be rewarding myself with this car by July, 2014. I would only be right to have the batman logo on it but that’s what I want, this is about you…..

So what do you want, think about it and go get it. Look out for a new post tomorrow! Until then, I got work to do:)


Eric W. Black
Mirror Motivation Media
CEO & President

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Ambition: Enter the Dream Room

Do you have a dream but lack direction?  You came to the right place!  You drive the boat, you can’t control the wind but you can control the SAIL for your boat.  This determines which direction you are headed in.  First thing you need is some ambition. 

Ambition helps this sail move to the destination of whatever your dream is.   If you didn’t know what the definition of ambition is I’ll give it to you.  An eager desire to achieve something.  Do you have ambition? 

My daughter Chanel Black (know the name) has ambition.  She is 13 years old but she just recently said “one day people are going to know my name, I just know it”.  She is an aspiring superstar in anything she wants to do. 

What ambition does is help our overall attitudes.  Without it we fall into the rut of complacency.  We all get there at some point like “I’m comfortable” but it all depends on you.  You control more than you think. 

Since I’ve changed my mentality lately of “I’m not fully satisfied”, lots of things have happened in my life.  It all started with a little ambition.  Then a plan, then the execution of that plan.  You always have to have a tireless work ethic.  If you do, sky is the limit my friends. ..

If sky’s the limit, I want the sky! 


Eric W. Black
Mirror Motivation Media
CEO & President

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